Since SMC Joint Venture’s incorporation, its activities were with the British Bases carrying out works for the Specialist Term Contract for all Mechanical & Electrical Works. The Companies forming SMC JV Ltd are also shareholders of “Cyprus Service Provider (C.S.P J.V Ltd)” which is the successful ISP Contractor carrying out the vast majority of maintenance, refurbishment and operational works within the British Bases until 2018.

Furthermore the company has been awarded subcontracts with major construction companies such as J&P and SEFA (JV of Cybarco, Atlas Pantou, Iacovou Bros) for new construction projects. SMC has also been awarded other major maintenance contracts with Cyprus Government and other major organizations in Cyprus such as CYTA, Bank of Cyprus, University of Cyprus and Cyprus Sports Organization.

Meters UK supplied a number of gas meters to SMC for a project installation in Cyprus.