Electric Meters

Monitor the usage on individual rooms, apartments, flats or businesses.

From Meters UK, your go-to brand for dependable precision and performance electric meters. Whether you manage the energy for a household, small enterprise or larger commercial building, we have the solution for you. Accessible meters or modules are straightforward: installation is simple, while the readings are reliable and provide a complete overview of your consumption.

Upgrading to a smart meter can revolutionise how you operate around energy. Having single-phase meters available for residential premises and robust three-phase meters for industrial or commercial settings, Meters UK allows you to select the correct type of energy management according to your specific needs. These meters allow you to monitor the amount of electricity you consume at any moment, enabling you to take actions that help save energy and reduce costs.

We here at Meters UK recognise the need for reliability and quality. This is why our products are thoroughly tested to UK standards, are reliable tools that help you reduce wastage, and have greater control over your budgeting. Our electric meters will not only help you secure the product but also help you build an intelligent future.

If you need to find out how much electricity is used in a specific area, sub-metering is the way to go! Each meter listed below will link to an individual page detailing specifications, price, etc. This will enable you to find the meter that fits your unique sub-metering needs.

If you are unsure of your requirements, please call us to assist you. Take a step toward smarter energy management today with Meters UK and make monitoring your power usage hassle-free.

Other Electric Metering Solutions

Three Phase Electric Meters