
Meters UK SmartlinkPP Service Agreement

This agreement is between you (the customer) and Meters UK Ltd (Meters UK).  Meters UK will be responsible for providing you with a top up service for your tenants through the Meters UK portal.  The service will enable tenants to prepay online for one or more utilities and will be provided to each SmartlinkPP device listed on one or more separate Schedules.

Username and Password confidentiality

You will be provided with a username and password that enables you to log into the SmartlinkPP landlord portal.  You will be responsible for the security and proper use of this username and password which must not be disclosed to anyone other than your employees.  If it is known or suspected that there has been any reach of security Meters UK must be informed immediately to enable the password to be changed.

Change of details

You must let Meters UK know immediately of any change to your contact or bank details.

Pricing to tenants

Meters UK will apply to the relevant SmartlinkPP devices the pricing shown on one or more Schedules.  In the event that a customer requires any change to be made to pricing they should inform Meters UK by email to ku.oc.kusretemobfsctd@troppus  A new Schedule will be emailed to you confirming the new pricing.


If Meters UK is notified by its card payments processor that a tenant has attempted to chargeback a top up payment Meters UK will investigate.  If it is established that the chargeback is valid Meters UK will accept the chargeback and debit the value of the top up to the customer’s account.


If you have a technical issue please email Support at ku.oc.kusretemobfsctd@troppus

If you have an accounts issue please email Accounts at ku.oc.kusretemobfsctd@stnuocca


Meters UK’s standard warranty terms will apply to equipment purchased to enable the operation of the SmartlinkPP service.

Start of service date

Meters UK will make the SmartlinkPP service available to all devices listed on a Schedule within 1 working day of receipt of the Schedule but service fees will not start to be charged until the first of the following month.

Term of agreement

This agreement shall commence on the date both parties have signed the agreement and shall continue in force for a minimum term of 12 months and thereafter shall continue until terminated by one party giving to the other no less than six months written notice at which point the agreed upon terms would come to an end upon final payment and account checks have been completed.

Change of ownership of property

If a customer sells a property to which SmartlinkPP service is being provided the customer must give notice of termination of the service to that property.  If the customer has more than one property to which SmartlinkPP service is being provided the notice must state the address of the property for which the service is being terminated.  The supply of the service to any other properties will not then be affected.  The customer may provide Meters UK’s contact details to the new owner if the new owner wishes to use the SmartlnkPP service  ku.oc.kusretemobfsctd@selas