Need to convert your gas bill meter readings from Kilowatt Hour to Cubic Meters ?

The quickest way is to use the following equation.

Price per kilowatt hour x 12 = Price per Cubic Meter


If you would like more accurate readings :-

1m3 of gas is approximately 12.2 kWh
(1 x 1.02264 x 39)/ 3.6 = 12.19
(1.02264 = temperature and pressure compensation factor)
(39 = calorific value of gas in MJ/m3)
(3.6 = MJ/m3 to kWh/m3 conversion factor)

1kWh is approximately 0.09 m3 of gas
1 x 3.6/(1.02264 x 39) = 0.09
(3.6 = MJ/m3 to kWh/m3 conversion factor)
(1.02264 = temperature and pressure compensation factor)
(39 = calorific value of gas in MJ/m3)


1 m3 = 35.3 ft3
100 ft3 = 2.83 m3